Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where in the World ?

Why no blogging lately? My only excuse....I have not been home very much recently. Since Feb 14th...I have been to Guizhang, Jindezhen, Korea, Xian, and Beijing. My sister, Dawn, has been visiting for the past nine days and we just came back from Beijing last night. I have lots of interesting pictures to share....I just need time at home to load them. I will be home for 3 1/2 days and then Tim and I are off to Hainan (an island off the southern coast of China) for three days. Then....I will be home for 5 days and then I am off to Ohio for two weeks, then to Bellingham to visit the kids, then to Salt Lake to backpack for 4 days, and then back to Ohio for another week. And...then...I know this is getting a bit crazy.....back to Shanghai for 2 weeks and then back to Bellingham for Tuckers senior show and graduation. We will also help Abi move her things from her dorm room into storage for the summer. Wow! No wonder time seems like it is going warp speed.

More soon.......I think I will sleep now